

Good Monday everyone! Week 26 here we are! The theme is Architecture!

These was taken months a go. Monas in Jakarta, Borobudur Temple; Ratu Boko Temple and Tamansari Water Castle in Jogjakarta.

If you like to join The Girl That Dream’s Awake 52 Week Photo Challenge as well, here’s what to do:
  1. Create a post entitled 52 weeks photo challenge:week-Theme
  2. Create a ping back to this page or leave a link to your post in the comments box
  3. Tag the post ’52 weeks’


Wish you all a good week.



I always fascinated with trees.

How they grow so big throughout the year even when nobody seems to care. How they look strong and steady even without leaves.

I like picturing them -in my mind- as a save shelter which never ask too much, never complain, never shout any negative comments. They just stay and be there for me.

If you like to join The Girl That Dream’s Awake 52 Week Photo Challenge as well, here’s what to do:
  1. Create a post entitled 52 weeks photo challenge :week (which week)-(the theme for the week.
  2. Create a pingback to this page or leave the link to your post in the comments box.
  3. Tag the post ’52 weeks’



{Short Trip} : Sunda Kelapa Harbor

One of thing I like to do with my friends is having a short and -off course- a cheap one. It’s kinda hard to have that short trip lately. Mostly because of my new schedule of work which makes me have to work on Sunday.

1st week of January 2017 we finally had a chance to go out so we did. Sunda Kelapa Harbor was the destination. For me personally it was like walking down to high school memory lane. I was attending Vocational School, majoring in Tourism. So we often having a sight seeing tour around Jakarta and Sunda Kelapa is always on the list.

This 500-years old harbor was belong to Kingdom of Tarumanegara but on the 12th century it was under Kingdom of Sunda which transformed Sunda Kelapa into an important harbor in Java. Not only for Indonesian’s merchant from Palembang, Malacca or Makasar,  but also for Portugese, Chinese, Arab and Indian. Some of the items traded here are spices and gold.

In 1527 around 1,452 soldiers from Cirebon and Demak appeared before Sunda Kelapa under the leadership of Jayakarya. He conquered Kingdom of Sunda, and since that change the name of Sunda Kelapa into Jayakarta which means “Complete Victory.” The reason of the attack was because Demak saw the relationship Sunda and Portugese as a threat for the nation.


Now Sunda Kelapa is not the main harbor of Jakarta. Tanjung Priok already taken away that important role. This harbor only serve local fleet around Indonesia. However, considering its historical value, Sunda Kelapa now functioned as Historical site along with some other historical building around it such As Bahari Museum and Fatahillah Museum.

Nowadays people visited Sunda Kelapa in search for vintage background for photoshoot, including pre-wed photoshoot. What can be more perfect that a row of colorful Pinisi, rusty old-container and a clear-blue sky?!




A little tips, don’t forget to bring enough water. It’s so hot out there.



Bye-bye …


My fave glasses ….

He decided to retire after accompanying me for quite some time.

S.a.d, but I think I’ll be okay.

Thank you… for such a wonderful time we had.

Exploring pages, walking under the rain, watching the sun set.

Creating new memories every day.

Thank you…


5/366: Disconnect to Get Connected

I believe that technology comes to make our live easier, to get people connected to each other. Make the distance shorter or even to eliminate distance from our need to get connected to others.

But lately… technology lost it essence. Lately, we’re easily connected to people which located miles away from us rather than those who lived around us. Even worse, we’re easily with those in our social media, instead of those who sits next to us.


Why don’t we disconnect ourselves for just a few hours or minutes from our gadget and get connected to our surroundings.

So put away your phone, grab a coffee and let us have a simple and fun coffee talk.

What do you think?